Joan Pope interview, 26 October 2011 and 2 November 2011

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Joan Pope interview, 26 October 2011 and 2 November 2011




Dr Joan Pope OAM, Dalcroze Australia President, holds the Diplôme Superieur of the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva and has influenced a generation of teachers, artists and performers through her teaching of music and related arts in Western Australian universities. She has given Dalcroze workshops around Australia and south-east Asia. Joan has been on many national and international committees for dance, theatre, music and physical education and in 2001 was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia and the Centenary of Federation Medal for her contributions to creative arts in the community which included initiating Festivals for Children, Children’s Activities Time Society, Playgrounds on Demand and AYPAA, the Australian Youth Performing Arts Association. Joan is an Hon. Life member of AUSDANCE, a Fellow of ACHPER, and served as Dance Co-ordinator for WA, and on the National Board for a number of years, in addition to her participation with the ACHPER Nursing Homes recreation project. A former Warden of Convocation, The University of WA honoured her with the Chancellor's Medal. She completed doctoral studies at Monash University in 2008 researching the teaching of Dalcroze Eurhythmics in Australia and New Zealand between 1918 and 1929.
Joan has served on the Heather Gell Dalcroze Foundation as a Trustee, and published several books on the 'Music Through Movement' life and lessons of Heather Gell with the assistance of the former Callaway Resource Centre for Music Education at the School of Music UWA.


Pope, Joan


University of Western Australia Historical Society


Copyright holder University of Western Australia


MP3 files


Oral History

Oral History Item Type Metadata


John Bannister


Joan Pope


Interview 1: 55 minutes, 17 seconds
Interview 2: 23 minutes, 19 seconds
Interview 3: 55 minutes, 3 seconds
Total: 2 hours, 13 minutes, 39 seconds

Bit Rate/Frequency

128 kbs

Time Summary

Interview 1

Dr Joan Pope. Background information. Memories of brother at UWA St. George's College. Exciting times watching Catalinas on the Swan River from the St. Georges Tower. Memories of the Winthrop hall tower. Trolley bus seen from.
University towers, St George’s College,
Going to do music exams at the Chancellor's room. Meetings at the chancellor’s room. Sir Frank Callaway. First Music student in Arts 1954. Changing faculties to do music. Brother was not called up for War Service.
Arts student, Sir Frank Callaway, music
Concerts at Winthrop Hall. Father and the combined choir. Mother and starting music. Memories of the university. Dorothy Fleming and dance classes in the 1940s. Revived Greek dance and creative use of the body.
Winthrop Hall, Dorothy Fleming, dance classes
Dancing in The Sunken Garden. Long connection of UWA and looking at the way University of Western Australia was being run. A peaceful and orderly place. Passes to access the University buildings and the Americans. Nancy S1ewart and psychology. Pope experimented on at the Irwin street buildings as a child.
The Sunken Garden, Nancy Stewart, Irwin Street Building
Impressions of the Irwin St building. Only 250 girls doing leaving school exams. Tiny place. Memories of struggling to find way through UWA. Involved in 20 plays and Prosh. Experience of trip to England in the coronation year. Wearing casual clothes at UWA. Joan in the Daily News. Breaking traditions of UWA girls.
Irwin St building, plays and Prosh
Meeting Professor Callaway and music and Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Knocking on the door of the vice-chancellor and speaking to the professorial board. Frank Callaway's alternative view. Seeing UWA from an arts point of view. Memories of Josh Reynolds and the college plays. Professor Fox. Interesting experiments in Psych. Loved being there. Involved in many societies.
Callaway, Josh Reynolds, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Professor Fox
Starting the Fencing Club and Lou Klepac * and the weightlifting club. Guild and Societies council. Mrs Hazlehurst and Mrs. McGowan. Organising things for students. Memories of playing Lady Godiva in Prosh. Members of the staff. Bert Buttle* and Mr [George) Munns. People have loyalty to the place. First hearing of Convocation. Getting involved in organisation. Two women on Guild. Giving a Socrates* speech and getting onto Guild council. Coming involved in council and the Machiavellian undertones.
Fencing Club, Guild, Mrs. Hazlehurst*, Mrs. McGowan*, Prosh, staff, Bert Buttle*, Mr Munns, Convocation
Getting involved and restrictions. The guild council would go on for a long time. Reps from The Senate at the Guild council meetings. Miss Jean Rogerson* Warden of Convocation. Conversation and the calling together of interesting elders. Getting the prize of Convocation. Including of the governance of the university.
Convocation, Jean Rogerson, governance
Early impressions of Jean Rogerson*. Pale and not given to a lot of talking. A figure to be noticed. The Crawley Magazine. Honoured to be the 3rd female Warden of Convocation. Dr Roberta Jull. And ‘The’ Miss Rogerson .A great honour of being Warden.
Warden of Convocation, Jean Rogerson, Roberto Jull
Working way through UWA and memories and understanding of Convocation. Convocation did not have a place. Convocation was and still is invisible. Irwin street building and Convocation pavilion. Impressions of understanding Convocation. Joining committees. Kit [Katherine) Gray and Dorothy Ransom. Active in community activities.
Irwin St, Kit Gray, Dorothy Ransom, Convocation
Part time work and WAIT. Physical education. Sessonal teaching. Committees and Advisory Committee for Aged Services. Committee of Convocation wasn't like any other committee. Number of different agendas. Were or were not aligned with others. Subterranean things. What was Convocation was there for. Representative body of graduates. Subscription base.
Representative body, committees, agendas
Why didn't it have any money. Convocation as a body and disinterest. Initiatives and subscription base. Elections. Numbers of people that vote for Convocation. Charming people on Convocation. Silberstein and Priest. Older and younger people. A lot of puzzles associated with Convocation.
Silberstein, Priest, elections, subscription
Impressions of sustaining Convocation. Clerk of Convocation and the governance of Convocation. Deputy warden to Bruce James. Secretary of Convocation June Blake*. Keeping records for whom and for what. Looking at records. The West Australian reports about the Convocation. Convocation views on Endowment lands. Convocation has a duty on the statutes. Dawkins* revolution and the Hetherington report. Numbers on senate. Implications for senate.
Bruce James, June Blake, Dawkins, Hetherington*
Women on committees. Which committees have a say so. On Senate as an observer. Meetings and the standing committee. Meeting an extraordinary number of interesting people.
Women, committees, Senate
Grey area for needs of the graduates. Things that worked in Convocation. Practical things that grabbed people. Lead up to the 75th anniversary. Plaque and the Irwin St building. The events committee and America’s Cup. Sitting on the art collection board. Holmes a Court, Heymans*. The Lawrence Wilson Gallery. Mallor's* money and Bob Smith. Raising money for the Art Gallery. Memories of painting ducks for money. Juniper and Haynes. The alumni association was a bone of contention. Trevor Wigney*. Getting big bickies from the alumni.
75th anniversary, Irwin St building, Lawrence Wilson Gallery, Mallor's*, painting ducks for money, The Alumni Association, Trevor Wigney*

Interview 2

Alumni Association with lots of finance. Alumni send a chill through the members of the standing committee. Vice chancellors like control over fundraising activities. Guild presidents Bob Nicholson* and David McKinlay* Professor Clyde. Trevor Wigney*. Senate pro the idea setting up something. Major fund raising set up through and the Hackett foundation and the Office of Development. Convocation and making bridges and working together. Voluntary service and the Hetherington* Report. Electing 6 senate members by Convocation.
Alumni Association, Bob Nicholson*, David McKinlay*, Trevor Wigney*, Senate, Hackett foundation, Office of Development. Convocation, Hetherington* Report
Somerville announces that Convocation is a sluggish moribund body. The vision and the Somerville auditorium. Fred Alexander and the Adult Education Board. University revue and the Winthrop hall and the auditorium. The roman word auditorium seems like a strange word to use in the Australian bush.
Somerville, Fred Alexander, Winthrop Hall
By 1980 nothing much has changed. Convocation a play thing for a few members. People on Convocation and thoughts regarding other committees. Doing things in a commemorative fashion. Rie Heymans. Convocation and the Friends of the Art Gallery. Bruce James was a Sunday painter. James Watson an art collector. Idea of the Friends of the gallery and the Senate's Art Collection Committee.
Committees, Rie Heymans*, Bruce James, James Watson, Senates Art Collection Committee.
Deputy warden and memories of other wardens. Bruce James. Convocation and the Friends of the library and Prof Silberstein. Convocation and finance for the historical society. Irwin street building and preservation for practical purposes. The fairy steps at the Sunken Garden and landscaping of the steps by Jean Brodie-Hall*. War time demountables and the Irwin St buildings. Festival of Perth and John Birman* and the Adult Education Board. 1953 Festival of Perth runs out of the old buildings.
Bruce James, Prof Silberstein, Irwin street building, Jean Brodie Hall*, Festival of Perth, John Birman*, Adult Education Board
Rescuing parts of the buildings. Entrance hall and the vice chancellors office and senate room and library. Convocation and the cost of moving and restoring the old building. Asking graduates for money. University and the alumni association and finance. Working parties set up to draw up a list of graduates. 4000 names turn into 10000 names for an appeal. Subcommittees working for a purpose. Publicity and promotion.
Senate room, money, alumni association, working for a purpose.
Bob Hawke was accosted at a cricket match. White-anting going on. Exciting projects and the Irwin street building and graduates. Kath Gordon and Annie Anderson, Miss Burgess and people who had been heads of departments. Donations and personal relationship stuff happening. Making contacts and friendships in Perth. Development and finance and initiatives that were taken. Hard to get staff to run committees and minutes. No memory bank. Difficult times with staff.
Bob Hawke, Kath Gordon, Annie Anderson, Miss Burgess, staff
Furthering the work of the university in the community. Extension service and adult education and outreach into the community. Linking work of UWA more closely with Convocation. Things have become more rigid. Involving voluntary committees with great ideas and changes in Convocation.
outreach into the community, voluntary committees

Interview 3

Memories of Convocation in the 1980s. Gathering more people around Convocation. The official meetings and disappointing numbers. Small functions. Tapping into people. Maintain contacts friend
raising and fundraising. 25 and 50th anniversaries and reunions. Hackett scholarships, travelling P and O scholarships. Getting people together for a particular purpose. Encouragement awards. Push for postgraduate awards.
Meetings, friend raising, fund raising, anniversaries, Hackett Scholarships, travelling scholarships, awards.
Deans came in academic dress. Memories of wearing gowns. Relaxed and formal. Being deputy and becoming warden. Bruce James and James Watson. Being nominated. West Australian women's fellowship. The art gallery and art collection board. Molly Roberts and Patrick Cornish. Convocation has its own magazine. Volunteers and staff.
deputy warden, Bruce James, James Watson, West Australian Women's Fellowship, Molly Roberts,* Patrick Cornish staff
The Crawley and the UniView. Having your own magazine and rubbing people up the wrong way. Hew Roberts. The lack of corporate memory. Pauline Tremlett trying to catch pieces from the minutes. Events and lunches in the city. Connections with the guild.
The Crawley, UniView, Hew Roberts*, corporate memory, Pauline Tremlett, Guild
Lack of gatherings. Jean Rogerson* and the trip to China. Plans for resuscitation. Bob Smith moving to have alumni. AUGC Australian University Graduates conference. Not all universities have Convocation. Universities viewing each other. People on convocation who have grand ideas.
Jean Rogerson, alumni, AUGC Australian University Graduates conference
Trying to raise funds for graduates. Travelling. Award brings dream closer. International children's theatre .Awards and accolades. Involved on sub committees. Hoping to contribute to the centenary. Involved again on the lunch reunions. Looking through the records.
Funds, awards, sub committees
Antagonistic feelings in the committees. Handling people on the committee. Men didn't like having women in the chair. The Crawley editorial subcommittee. New names and a blocked vote. Convocation replaces the warden via announcement via the Newspaper.
women in the chair, Convocation replaces the warden
Withdrawing the nomination. Acting like local government. Helping graduates and representing graduates voice. Graduates elected to the senate. Representing views. Chancellors and graduates of the university. Reporting back to the current council.
Withdrawing, graduates voice, graduates
Collaboration with the post graduates association. Convocation could help in a way. Assisting with post graduate enquiries and work placements. Mentorship. Needing more staff. Calling on past graduates to help with placements. Lack of staff and the growth of graduates.
Collaboration, graduates association, mentorship
Convocation today and interaction with other universities. Sharing ideas. Wishing Convocation had more staff and it own building. Staff and money is a huge inhibitor. Conscious of the changes. Changing the title Trying to describe to people that it was the graduate's association. People are confused as member of Convocations and association.
Sharing ideas. Wishing Convocation had more staff and its own building. Staff, graduate's association
Wish that they wouldn't call themselves the graduates association. The Convocation of UWA graduates. Email and change. Voting on line. Barriers and hurdles first. Pauline Tremlett and Unison*. Getting organisations and network and societies of the university to be aware of each other. Being proactive. Money.
Pauline Tremlett, Unison*
Abundant evidence of money being spent on ideas that will go belly up. Important people and groups on Convocation .The loyal women. Putting energy into a committee. People with the time to give. Retired professors, academics and fellows.
Money, loyal women, fellows
Particular role for people who have had staff associations. Losing contact with some. Coming back to Convocation. Trying to come to meetings. Stoush about the Alan Robson and endowment lands bushlands.
staff associations, meetings
Being involved and seeing UWA without Convocation. Sense of a role of its history. Overseas graduates. Events held in faraway places. Convocation representatives on the team. Turning up on graduate nights.
Overseas graduates, Convocation representatives, graduate nights
Upgrading website. Convocation is not high in the list. Balance between office of development and office alumni relations. Swamping Convocation. Intra state and interstate. Convocation gathering together like-minded bodies. The world is geared to marketing. Convocation marketing itself. Convocation needs to be a chameleon*.
alumni relations, marketing



Pope, Joan, “Joan Pope interview, 26 October 2011 and 2 November 2011,” UWA Historical Society: UWA Histories, accessed March 17, 2025,