Harvey von Bergheim interview, 17 October 2013, 24 October 2013 and 31 October 2013
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Harvey von Bergheim interview, 17 October 2013, 24 October 2013 and 31 October 2013
Student Administration
Harvey von Bergheim was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka and moved to Perth with his family in 1966. His first position in Administration at the University of Western Australia was as a clerk in the Registrar’s Office in 1969. From 1970-1979 Mr von Bergheim continued to work in the Registrar’s Office as a Statistics Clerk. In 1980 he took a job as a Media Control Clerk at the Tertiary Institution Service. In 1983 Mr von Bergheim returned to the University of Western Australia and worked as an Assistant Examinations Officer, which involved creating the examination timetables as well as assisting with graduations. More recently he has worked as the Manager of Student Administration and the Associate Director of Student Services. He retired from the University of Western Australia on 31 December 2013 after 44 years of service.
von Bergheim, Harvey
University of Western Australia Historical Society
Copyright holder University of Western Australia
MP3 files
Oral History
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Julia Wallis
Harvey von Bergheim
Kingsley, W.A.
Interview 1: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 8 seconds
Interview 2: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Interview 3: 57 minutes, 32 seconds
Total: 3 hours, 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Interview 2: 1 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Interview 3: 57 minutes, 32 seconds
Total: 3 hours, 4 minutes, 12 seconds
Bit Rate/Frequency
128 kbs
Time Summary
Interview 1
Track 1
00:00 Introduction by Julia Wallis
Track 2
00:00 Paul Harvey Fritz von Bergheim. Born 19 July 1948 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Did GCE ‘O’ level exams.
00:33 The family came to Australia for a better life. In Sri Lanka it was not possible to own your own home and families lived together. This may happen in Perth one day as well!
03:27 The family were rejected twice before they were accepted. They were sponsored by relations already living here and were assisted by Kim Beazley senior. They arrived in 1966.
Track 3
00:00 Harvey arrived when he was 17 and had completed his schooling. Harvey and his three brothers all started work. His sister attended Mercedes College and his younger brother went to Perth Modern School.
00:49 His first job was at Boans as a mail boy. The family rented a house in Princess Road, Claremont for a year or so. After 6 months Harvey left Boans and worked at Coventry Motors in Hay Street for 6 months as a spare parts clerk. Then he worked at Prestige Motors as a warranty clerk.
02:49 Harvey sat for the Public Service Exam at UWA Recreation Centre. He passed and got a job with the Repatriation Department (now called Veterans Affairs). There were no prospects of advancement here so after 2 years he applied for a job as a clerk in the Registrar’s Office at UWA. He was interviewed by Brian Rowland and Steve Wyles (Records Manager) in November 1969. After the interview Harvey was taken to see the Registrar, Arthur Williams. His office was where the present Vice Chancellor’s office is now. He was very proper and told Harvey that they don’t use the word “blokes” at UWA.
06:42 Brian Rowland was 6 foot 4 or 5 inches. He used to go fishing and would take Harvey with a group of other people. He would be able to drink two schooners of beer at Steve’s Hotel to Harvey’s one! He was a dinky-di Aussie and Steve Wyles was English
07:57 Harvey started work in December 1969. He worked in Central Records where all the records were on hard copy files. There were no computer records. The Records Section is now located on the corner of Broadway and Stirling Highway. The Records Section used to be where the Visitor’s Centre is now located. There were student files and general files.
09:53 There were wooden doors and a counter. Staff would fetch files that were requested and mark it out on the card.
10:14 The students were filed under number depending on the year of enrolment. The students would fill out an enrolment form which was then put on the file. All correspondence and paperwork would be placed on the file. The mail room was just behind and attached to the back of Central Records.
11:21 During this time, Harvey drove the mail van and delivered the mail for 3 weeks while the usual person was on holiday. The campus only stretched about as far as Chemistry. He would set off from Whitfield Court Administration. The mail round probably took about an hour. They had canvas mail bags. The departmental mail would be bundled up and dropped off at a central location.
14:20 There was a round in the morning and in the afternoon. The mail was collected from the Nedlands Post Office that used to be located at 35 Stirling Highway. The mail would be sorted in the Records mail room. It would be classified and then distributed.
16:18 There were 4 men in the office – Brian Rowland, Steve Wyles, John Devlin and Harvey plus about 8 female staff who opened the mail and did filing. There was a lot of filing. Enrolments were only at the beginning of the year. Files would be delivered often to the top floor. There were no administrators in the departments, they were all upstairs. Things would be delivered on a trolley. There wasn’t a lift as such it was more like a dumb waiter.
18:42 The typing pool was on the first floor. This was later called the stenographic unit. Lifts came in a lot later.
19:32 The files were needed upstairs so that the correspondence could be answered. A photocopy of the letter that was sent would then be put on the file and then the file came back down to records for filing.
20:50 Harvey used to drive to work from McCourt Street, Leederville. He would drop his father off at work in Murray Street in the city and his sister to Mercedes College and then drive to UWA. He parked in Car Park 1. The traffic was much less then. There would be trams running down Cambridge Street.
24:01 The office was behind the Visitors Centre. It was called the Records Section. Everyone had their own desk. Harvey sat next to John Devlin who created the new files and was Harvey’s direct supervisor. There were student files, staff files. There were also general files for Prizes and Bequests. In 1969 UWA was the only university in Perth. Each file would be registered on a slip. A student file would be cross referenced by name and number.
27:09 Files did sometimes go missing. Sometimes you could find them because they had been filed in wrong numerical position or caught up with papers in somebody’s office.
Track 4
00:00 Harvey worked from 8.30am to 5pm. There was an hour for lunch. You could also take tea breaks. Some people would take in cakes when it was their birthday. When Harvey became manager he suggested people put money in each month for a card and a cake. There were tea ladies who delivered the morning tea on a trolley.
02:32 There was no lunch room. Some people ate at their desks or outside. There were no microwaves. Most people brought their lunch. You could also buy it from the Hackett café or the shops at the top of Broadway.
04:25 Harvey remembers there was more after-work socialising in 1970. He worked under Bill Nation. Arthur Williams was still the Registrar. Cheryl Griffiths was the Statistics Clerk. Her maiden name was Higgs. She had a brother Paul worked as Manager of Engineering. Another brother, Michael, worked in the Publications Office. She left to have a baby. She married Martin Griffiths who was Vice Principal. Previously he was Examinations Officer and Fees Officer.
07:23 The job was advertised. Geoff Pearson had more experience and got the job but had to resign and return to New Zealand for personal reasons. Harvey does not remember whether the job was advertised externally.
08:48 Harvey started working as a clerk in the Statistics Section of the Registrar’s Office in 1970. He reported to Bill Nation, the Statistics Officer. Harvey compiled information from the enrolment forms. The information included where students lived in term time, holiday time, what units they were doing etc. Harvey circled in red felt pen what information needed to be updated.
11:42 Harvey took the forms to the dungeon where data processing girls would key in the information. The batches of cards were dropped off by Harvey at the Computer Centre to be processed overnight. The Computer Centre was where the Physics Building is. Then they would need to check the IBM forms. It was essential that all the information would be correct.
15:39 If students withdrew from a course this had to be filed. Today the 31st March and 31st August are the cut off dates. Then 30 April was the last day for withdrawal. The University was funded on 30 April if people withdrew, they did not receive the funding. The Statistics Office would process a student who withdrew on 29 March on 1 May in order to receive funding. You can’t do this now as the students pay the fees. This was the reason for the amount of files that used to be filed up around Harvey’s desk.
17:33 The office had to send out a list of people who had withdrawn or changed their enrolments. This was printed downstairs by the duplicating room. The Statistics Office and the Registrar’s Office were located in an administration building around the Sunken Garden. There may be a return to central administration again due to the new courses.
19:32 Harvey was also responsible for publishing the statistics within UWA. These had to be hand written very carefully before it was typed.
Track 5
00:00 Computing came into the job more and more. There was a place called Administrative Computing Services. There was a planning office on the top floor above Statistics run by Mr Richard Angeloni and Rod Boland.
01:20 Harvey organised for the enrolment forms to be pre-printed. The girls at the enquiry counter said that this caused them more work so the practice was abandoned.
05:49 There were telephone enquiries but it was not as common in the early 70s as paperwork was the more common approach. Harvey had his own phone.
Interview 2
Track 1
00:00 Introduction by Julia Wallis
Track 2
00:00 Harvey takes long service leave from June to August 1975. He is replaced by Peter Curtis who is now the Executive Registrar. Harvey went to Europe via Ceylon.
01:05 Harvey returned to Perth and UWA. He got married and didn’t return to Europe. He met his wife at UWA.
01:32 The Christmas function was held in the Undercroft at Winthrop Hall. There was a function that started at 12 noon. If you arrived at 1pm there was no food left. After the lunch Harvey’s group used to go on to Steve’s Hotel.
02:33 Some people went to University House. It was for all staff but you had to be a member.
03:14 There were not many social activities. Harvey’s work colleagues organised their own. Once a fortnight about a dozen of them went to Friday lunch at the Witches Cauldron in Subiaco and take the afternoon off. They made this up but going into work early on Monday.
04:14 On Fridays they used to go to Minsky’s Bar & Grill in Hampden Road or to the Broadway Tavern. The University Club was not a Friday night spot but because it was used more by the academics. Harvey’s group wanted to get off the campus once the working week was over.
05:39 There were no organised social or sporting activities. Harvey did not take part in sport apart from running.
06:17 Harvey got married to his wife, Bev, in the Sunken Garden on 29 December 1978. It was 42 degrees C.
07:40 Marriage on the university grounds has been going on for a while. People are now using the Tropical Grove. This was not as pretty and not as popular in the 70s.
08:43 There are also memorial services held there. Rhonda Haskell had a memorial service there recently. Harvey is not sure whether funeral/memorial services were held on campus in the 70s but weddings were very popular. Lots of students and ex-students get married on campus but services are not permitted during the examination period.
10:09 Harvey’s wife continued working until the birth of their first child in February 1984 when she resigned. Female staff either took maternity leave or resigned but she wanted to be a full-time mum.
12:34 Marriage did not change much for Harvey as he already knew people and his wife worked at UWA.
13:12 In March 1980 Harvey needed a challenge and moved to take a job as Media Control Clerk at the Tertiary Institution Service (TISC) on Stirling Highway (near the garage). This job was in the computing area and entailed processing enrolments for high school students working with the Secondary Education Authority.
14:48 His immediate boss was John Murray. Murray returned to UWA in about 2003 or 4 to head up the new Student Information Systems (SIMS). Mary Carroll was another colleague. She took over from John when he retired and is now Associate Director of SIMS.
15:51 TISC dealt with the results for high school students and wanted to apply to go to university.
16:58 Computers were gaining in popularity. The computer was housed in a special cool room. About 8 or 10 people worked outside the room. There was a computer on the table but it was very large and cumbersome compared to the ones today.
18:23 Harvey is not sure whether the filing system was also on computer.
18:50 In 1983 Harvey returned to UWA to work as Assistant Examination’s Office. The person in charge was Fred Pike. He later became Assistant Registrar at UWA. Harvey thinks that by this stage they had decided to merge Enrolments and Examinations into the one area but he is not completely certain. Harvey’s predecessor, Gary Habbishow had gone on secondment. He was originally from Human Resources. The job was advertised internally.
20:46 Harvey was interviewed by the then Registrar Malcolm Orr, Fred Pike, the Examinations Officer and Ian Peck the Admissions Officer. Harvey thinks he was successful because he knew how the enrolments side of things worked.
21:57 Harvey did his first examination timetable in April 1983. He had to draw up the examination timetable for the whole university which was approx. 7,500 students. Up until about 1989, UWA worked on 3 terms a year and the exams were held in April, August and November. The exams went for 1 week in April and August and for 2 weeks in November.
23:05 Exams started at 9am and 2pm. There was also an examination at 7pm. This exam was held in the Undercroft for security reasons.
23:51 When UWA moved to semesters the night exam was dropped. The Guild were consulted and it was agreed that this was would be replaced by an exam on Saturday morning. The Guild was very, very strong at this time.
24:39 Harvey presumes that the evening examination was due to a lack of venues. It was already happening when he arrived. For this reason Harvey was pushing for exams to be a maximum of 2 hours. It is not idea to put students who are doing a 2 hour exam in the same venue as those doing a 3 hours exam.
25:33 The shorter exam of 1 to 1.5 hours was done at night. The 2 and 3 hour exams were timetabled for during the day. There are more venues today.
25:56 Up to 2,700 students can be undergoing an examination in one session at 9am and 2pm. The examinations run for 13 days. There are 55,000 sittings but only 2,700 venues.
27:15 The supervisors often spent the whole day at the university if they had to supervise morning and afternoon exams. The supervisors are from outside the university.
27:49 When Harvey did his first timetable he had to do it manually with the assistance of a computer report that listed the exams that each faculty needed to run. This information was handwritten onto index cards with particular reference to the “Clash List”. The days would be set up and card by card the exams would be slotted in. In those days there were 4 law exams. These would be spread out during the week to be on a Monday and a Thursday for example. Medicine was also quite straightforward. Arts and Science exams are trickier to organise as they did so many different units.
Track 3
00:00 Occasion when there was a clash and Harvey and Fred Pike met with Dr Cyril Edwards from the Physics Department to explain the situation. Emphasises the benefits of face to face contact with people.
02:55 Stickler for the rules. Explains the rationale behind getting the exam papers delivered in plenty of time. The supervisor collects the paper from the appropriate pigeon hole on the day of the exam.
03:45 Complaint made to the Senate about the lateness of the medicine exam papers which were not delivered until the day before.
05:14 Ideally examination papers should be delivered to the Examinations Office 5 weeks before the exam.
05:37 The exam papers should be checked before they leave the faculty. The exam papers have a cover sheet and this is supposed to be check by the person who sets the exam. University policy is that the examiner needs to be present at the exam for the 10 minute reading time and then available in your office to deal with any queries or problems that may arise. This is easier now with mobile phones.
07:18 The policy of academics having to attend examinations goes back to the early 1990s when there was a problem with an examination and the examiner refused to acknowledge the error on the paper. This was then brought up at the Senate and a policy was then put in place almost immediately. Robert Smith was the University Vice Chancellor at the time. The office was assisted by the fact that the supervisor involved was Dorothy Ransom who was also a member of the Senate.
09:56 Harvey would also have to be on campus during the examination period including on Saturday if exams were scheduled. It was decided that exams should also be scheduled for Saturday afternoon once the evening exams were not running. This was taken up with the Guild. The rationale behind it was that by having exams on a Saturday you could schedule another exam on the Monday.
11:30 Harvey thinks that 3 hour examinations are a waste of time as the students lose focus after 1.5 hours. He would prefer to see 2 x 2 hour exams rather than 1 x 3 hour exam.
12:36 Academics have said that the exam paper could be drafted when the unit outline is put together at the start of the term.
13:27 There was nearly a disaster when one of the exam papers had the answers in hidden text on the cover page. The exam was taking place in the Undercroft but there were also some students taken the exam in the recreation centre. The exam papers had to be retrieved and reprinted. Harvey flew around the campus on his bicycle. The incident was reported in “Inside Cover” in the West Australian. It was a “one-off”.
16:19 Harvey’s attitude is that it has happened, let’s fix it. If nobody has been killed or injured then it isn’t the end of the world!
17:54 Cheating does take place in exams. Plagiarism certainly happens in assignments. How can you prove an assignment is all somebody’s own work?
19:12 Cheating does happen especially when students go out to the toilet. There was an incident in June this year when it was thought that students were visiting the toilet during an engineering exam to consult notes.
20:00 Most of the exam supervisors are females and they obviously cannot go into the male toilets. One young man was taking so long in the toilet that a male supervisor from another venue was asked to check out what was going on and sprung the student studying notes! The policy is that the notes are confiscated and the student is allowed to continue the exam but a report is put in by the examination supervisor. The report is given to the Examination Office and then forwarded to the Associate Dean in the relevant Faculty.
22:01 There is probably a case now that 3 supervisors are needed for every exam. People can then be walking the floor and one person can be escorted to the toilet. At present 60 invigilators are employed to supervise examinations. If this number is increased by 20, it will cost the university more money. Should fewer students be allocated per venue? Students can be moved to another seat if the supervisor thinks they are cheating by looking at their neighbour’s work.
Track 4
00:00 Often students are split into different venues upstairs and downstairs by alphabetical order. The can be thrown out completely if friends or boyfriends and girlfriends ignore this so that they can sit together.
00:54 There was a situation in the 1990s when an overseas male student sat an exam for a female student.
01:03 When the students come into the exam they fill out an information slip. They present their ID on the table. When the information slips are collected, these are checked off against the student ID card. The slips are sorted into alphabetical order. The slips are compared to the computer printout of the names of the students taking the exam. There is a Green form for absent students compared to the computer print-out. There is a Blue form for people not on the list.
02:32 In this case, the student left early and they could not be found on the list. The person who was supposed to be sitting the exam did not attend. The male sat the exam but a female was missing.
03:08 The girl who didn’t do this exam had 3 more exams but did not turn up. The guy who did the exam had 2 more exams but also did not turn up.
03:36 Harvey was unable to contact the girl or the guy at their registered place of residence.
03:54 A report was written so that the university was aware of what had happened. The International Student Centre was also informed. The Registrar was told and a comment was put on their academic records to the effect that they were not permitted to re-enrol at UWA until they met with the Registrar.
04:31 Staff told to take note if the academic records were requested. The academic record was sent out. The male student deleted the comment and photocopied the academic record so that the comment was not there and submitted it to the Australian High Commission in Singapore. When queried by the Australian High Commission, UWA sent the academic records for both students with the original comments to Singapore.
Interview 3
Track 1
00:00 Introduction by Julia Wallis
Track 2
00:00 Exam timetables were initially published on notice boards in the Reid Library, the Arts Building and one outside the Student Administration Office.
00:33 Exam results were published in the Undercroft on plastic white boards. The results were only for units that had been passed.
01:10 The results were published under student number and not under student name.
01:56 Sometimes a page or two might be stuck together and so a page of results might not be displayed! It was quite pain staking work putting up the results page by page.
02:39 In or around the late 1980s, the Guild asked them to stop publishing the results like this as hard copies of the results were mailed to the students.
04:15 In the late 1990s or early 2000 all timetables and results were placed online. There was a system where a student could type in their student number with a password and access their information.
05:40 Now Student Connect is very sophisticated and even informs the students as to which exam venue it is, where the venue is located and what time the exam is taking place.
06:12 There is a new system being developed to be even more informative for students regarding their undergraduate lectures and timetables.
06:59 The current system Australian universities use is called Callista. Nine Universities in Australia use it. If UWA wanted to change their system the cost factor would mean that they would need to get the other universities to use this new system as well.
07:30 Before they used Callista they had SRS that was developed within UWA with face to face meetings with the computer programmer Richard Styes.
08:35 The faculties and the academics also can access student information. Staff must to sign confidentiality agreements. There are various levels of access. There are also comments but derogatory comments cannot be placed on the student record due to issues with FOI. Managers can see more information.
11:19 Academics and administrators are encouraged to use Staff Connect.
11:52 TRIM is used by Central Records. There are no hard copy student files any more. Emails and other information can all be placed on this file. It is all by digital records.
13:21 There was a case where an ex student has attempted to get some records taken off his file or changed. As this is a contentious file it won’t be destroyed and is placed in the university archives.
14:51 The student can appeal to the Visitor – this is the top person in the university.
Track 3
00:00 1983 was when Harvey became involved in graduation on his return as assistant examinations officer. In April 2013 Vicki Pratt has assembled figures of how many graduations Harvey had seen.
01:19 All graduation ceremonies are held in the evening. In 2013 there were 11 or 12 graduation ceremonies in March and April and 5 in September.
01:46 In 1983, there were about 4 ceremonies in March/April but nothing in September. There was more demand for ceremonies in September. This also catered for the Doctor of Philosophy students who if they finished their degree in April had to wait until April the following year for their degree.
02:52 In the late 1990s they began accepting student enrolments in the middle of the year.
03:35 Other than graduating at ceremonies where the degree is conferred on the night. Curtin confers their degrees earlier and has the ceremony later. UWA degrees can be conferred in absentia at the monthly Senate meetings.
05:39 There is a story in the late 70s that there was a graduation during PROSH and there was some high jinx when they switched on the speakers. Harvey did not experience this so it is just hearsay.
06:25 The storm hit UWA at about 3pm on Monday 22 March 2010. . It caused a great deal of damage to the student admin building, to trees on campus, motor vehicles and to windows in Winthrop Hall and other buildings.
09:41 An emergency meeting was held at 5pm and it was agreed that the ceremony could not go ahead in Winthrop Hall. The plan was to split the ceremonies and have half in the Octagon Theatre and half in the University Club.
11:17 All the staff cars apart from Harvey’s had storm damage as he had parked under cover.
12:01 Harvey got to work at 6am the next day and received a call Robyn Wilson who suggested the Recreation Centre. The Rec Centre was going to hold the Australian Judo Championships but Rick Wolters who was the Deputy Director agreed to move the event to Challenge Stadium. He also organised to put down carpet squares to stop the floors from getting marked. John Stubbs met with the Registrar and the change of venue was agreed.
15:36 Mike Fish from Perth Party Hire agreed to supply 1300 chairs at short notice. Simon Chapman from the workshops also supplied 1300 chairs. They had to replicate Winthrop Hall and mark all the seats in theatre style with the relevant ticket numbers. All the other academics apart from the VIPs had to sit upstairs.
18:06 Staff had to prepare labels for the chairs and inform people ringing up about the change of venue. They put out a press release that was picked up by a radio station to inform people the ceremony was still on but with a change of venue. It was impossible to cancel the event.
19:08 There was lots of hard work and last minute work. The area outside the recreation centre and the Octagon was tidied up from the storm damage for the after ceremony party. Luckily the Undercroft was not damaged so people could still go there and get photos taken. Hackett Hall was cleared of people to get everything cleared up and cleaned up. Preparation were finalised by 6.15pm and the ceremony took place at 7.45pm which was only 15 minutes late.
Track 4
00:00 Because the graduation is so well planned and structured, it can be moved to another venue. Ditto for the examinations.
02:36 At the beginning of October applications for degree are sent to the student. Every year students have to re-enrol and state when they anticipate completing their degree.
04:01 Posters are put up indicating when applications for graduation are closing alerting students to go to Student Administration if they have not received this form.
04:30 Academic records are sent to the Faculty’s and they indicate whether the student will complete or not.
05:16 At the end of the year once the results are uploaded on or about the first week in December, an expected completed register is compiled. This goes to the Faculty and then comes back when it has been approved for processing.
05:48 Some people will have failed one or two units but have also have been expected to complete. Results are out by about 3 December and released to the students on 16 December. They view their results on Student Connect.
06:46 There are also late applications (these are charged a fee). There is a cut-off date in January the next year. From there the Graduation Officer has to configure the ceremonies. There are also PhD students to consider. There may be 3,500 students to process and they work out how many from Arts, Science, Medicine, Law etc. They sort them into groups and set the date.
08:30 Winthrop Hall can hold about 890 on the bottom floor. Each graduate gets two tickets. This is signed off by John Stubbs and Peter Curtis who decide how many ceremonies take place.
09:44 These dates have already been set. There are set 3 years in advance. The academic year is also set 3 years in advance. The students are then aware of the rough date for graduation i.e. between 15 March and 12 April.
11:45 Arts sometimes had to be held over two nights as there are so many graduates.
12:14 In the early 90s, then Chancellor Fay Gale attended an ECU graduation ceremony at the Perth Concert Hall and was convinced of the superiority of holding UWA graduation ceremonies at Winthrop.
12:47 There was an idea once (late 80s) to follow the American idea of holding all the graduations together in the one ceremony. They went through the logistics of this and it was realised that it is not possible to hold a graduation ceremony for 1500 at UWA.
14:10 Overseas students particularly enjoy bringing their families to Winthrop Hall. UWA have an official photographer at the Undercroft and people can also take their own photos.
15:00 PhD students are given priority for extra tickets if they are available.
15:47 The graduates are given information on appropriate dress code.
Track 5
00:00 One of the academics objected to one of the graduates having her midriff showing. People have to use their own common sense.
00:43 The ceremony starts at .30pm Students have to attend from 6.15pm to check in and have a demonstration by the Graduation Officer of what they are required to do. The guests come in at 6.30pm. The graduation starts at 7.30pm with a procession coming in with the organ playing. The National Anthem is played and there are speeches. The degrees are conferred.
01:46 The ceremony finishes about 9pm. Eats and drinks are supplied on Whitfield Court. The area is now roped off and there is security as there used to be gate crashers
Track 1
00:00 Introduction by Julia Wallis
Track 2
00:00 Paul Harvey Fritz von Bergheim. Born 19 July 1948 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Did GCE ‘O’ level exams.
00:33 The family came to Australia for a better life. In Sri Lanka it was not possible to own your own home and families lived together. This may happen in Perth one day as well!
03:27 The family were rejected twice before they were accepted. They were sponsored by relations already living here and were assisted by Kim Beazley senior. They arrived in 1966.
Track 3
00:00 Harvey arrived when he was 17 and had completed his schooling. Harvey and his three brothers all started work. His sister attended Mercedes College and his younger brother went to Perth Modern School.
00:49 His first job was at Boans as a mail boy. The family rented a house in Princess Road, Claremont for a year or so. After 6 months Harvey left Boans and worked at Coventry Motors in Hay Street for 6 months as a spare parts clerk. Then he worked at Prestige Motors as a warranty clerk.
02:49 Harvey sat for the Public Service Exam at UWA Recreation Centre. He passed and got a job with the Repatriation Department (now called Veterans Affairs). There were no prospects of advancement here so after 2 years he applied for a job as a clerk in the Registrar’s Office at UWA. He was interviewed by Brian Rowland and Steve Wyles (Records Manager) in November 1969. After the interview Harvey was taken to see the Registrar, Arthur Williams. His office was where the present Vice Chancellor’s office is now. He was very proper and told Harvey that they don’t use the word “blokes” at UWA.
06:42 Brian Rowland was 6 foot 4 or 5 inches. He used to go fishing and would take Harvey with a group of other people. He would be able to drink two schooners of beer at Steve’s Hotel to Harvey’s one! He was a dinky-di Aussie and Steve Wyles was English
07:57 Harvey started work in December 1969. He worked in Central Records where all the records were on hard copy files. There were no computer records. The Records Section is now located on the corner of Broadway and Stirling Highway. The Records Section used to be where the Visitor’s Centre is now located. There were student files and general files.
09:53 There were wooden doors and a counter. Staff would fetch files that were requested and mark it out on the card.
10:14 The students were filed under number depending on the year of enrolment. The students would fill out an enrolment form which was then put on the file. All correspondence and paperwork would be placed on the file. The mail room was just behind and attached to the back of Central Records.
11:21 During this time, Harvey drove the mail van and delivered the mail for 3 weeks while the usual person was on holiday. The campus only stretched about as far as Chemistry. He would set off from Whitfield Court Administration. The mail round probably took about an hour. They had canvas mail bags. The departmental mail would be bundled up and dropped off at a central location.
14:20 There was a round in the morning and in the afternoon. The mail was collected from the Nedlands Post Office that used to be located at 35 Stirling Highway. The mail would be sorted in the Records mail room. It would be classified and then distributed.
16:18 There were 4 men in the office – Brian Rowland, Steve Wyles, John Devlin and Harvey plus about 8 female staff who opened the mail and did filing. There was a lot of filing. Enrolments were only at the beginning of the year. Files would be delivered often to the top floor. There were no administrators in the departments, they were all upstairs. Things would be delivered on a trolley. There wasn’t a lift as such it was more like a dumb waiter.
18:42 The typing pool was on the first floor. This was later called the stenographic unit. Lifts came in a lot later.
19:32 The files were needed upstairs so that the correspondence could be answered. A photocopy of the letter that was sent would then be put on the file and then the file came back down to records for filing.
20:50 Harvey used to drive to work from McCourt Street, Leederville. He would drop his father off at work in Murray Street in the city and his sister to Mercedes College and then drive to UWA. He parked in Car Park 1. The traffic was much less then. There would be trams running down Cambridge Street.
24:01 The office was behind the Visitors Centre. It was called the Records Section. Everyone had their own desk. Harvey sat next to John Devlin who created the new files and was Harvey’s direct supervisor. There were student files, staff files. There were also general files for Prizes and Bequests. In 1969 UWA was the only university in Perth. Each file would be registered on a slip. A student file would be cross referenced by name and number.
27:09 Files did sometimes go missing. Sometimes you could find them because they had been filed in wrong numerical position or caught up with papers in somebody’s office.
Track 4
00:00 Harvey worked from 8.30am to 5pm. There was an hour for lunch. You could also take tea breaks. Some people would take in cakes when it was their birthday. When Harvey became manager he suggested people put money in each month for a card and a cake. There were tea ladies who delivered the morning tea on a trolley.
02:32 There was no lunch room. Some people ate at their desks or outside. There were no microwaves. Most people brought their lunch. You could also buy it from the Hackett café or the shops at the top of Broadway.
04:25 Harvey remembers there was more after-work socialising in 1970. He worked under Bill Nation. Arthur Williams was still the Registrar. Cheryl Griffiths was the Statistics Clerk. Her maiden name was Higgs. She had a brother Paul worked as Manager of Engineering. Another brother, Michael, worked in the Publications Office. She left to have a baby. She married Martin Griffiths who was Vice Principal. Previously he was Examinations Officer and Fees Officer.
07:23 The job was advertised. Geoff Pearson had more experience and got the job but had to resign and return to New Zealand for personal reasons. Harvey does not remember whether the job was advertised externally.
08:48 Harvey started working as a clerk in the Statistics Section of the Registrar’s Office in 1970. He reported to Bill Nation, the Statistics Officer. Harvey compiled information from the enrolment forms. The information included where students lived in term time, holiday time, what units they were doing etc. Harvey circled in red felt pen what information needed to be updated.
11:42 Harvey took the forms to the dungeon where data processing girls would key in the information. The batches of cards were dropped off by Harvey at the Computer Centre to be processed overnight. The Computer Centre was where the Physics Building is. Then they would need to check the IBM forms. It was essential that all the information would be correct.
15:39 If students withdrew from a course this had to be filed. Today the 31st March and 31st August are the cut off dates. Then 30 April was the last day for withdrawal. The University was funded on 30 April if people withdrew, they did not receive the funding. The Statistics Office would process a student who withdrew on 29 March on 1 May in order to receive funding. You can’t do this now as the students pay the fees. This was the reason for the amount of files that used to be filed up around Harvey’s desk.
17:33 The office had to send out a list of people who had withdrawn or changed their enrolments. This was printed downstairs by the duplicating room. The Statistics Office and the Registrar’s Office were located in an administration building around the Sunken Garden. There may be a return to central administration again due to the new courses.
19:32 Harvey was also responsible for publishing the statistics within UWA. These had to be hand written very carefully before it was typed.
Track 5
00:00 Computing came into the job more and more. There was a place called Administrative Computing Services. There was a planning office on the top floor above Statistics run by Mr Richard Angeloni and Rod Boland.
01:20 Harvey organised for the enrolment forms to be pre-printed. The girls at the enquiry counter said that this caused them more work so the practice was abandoned.
05:49 There were telephone enquiries but it was not as common in the early 70s as paperwork was the more common approach. Harvey had his own phone.
Interview 2
Track 1
00:00 Introduction by Julia Wallis
Track 2
00:00 Harvey takes long service leave from June to August 1975. He is replaced by Peter Curtis who is now the Executive Registrar. Harvey went to Europe via Ceylon.
01:05 Harvey returned to Perth and UWA. He got married and didn’t return to Europe. He met his wife at UWA.
01:32 The Christmas function was held in the Undercroft at Winthrop Hall. There was a function that started at 12 noon. If you arrived at 1pm there was no food left. After the lunch Harvey’s group used to go on to Steve’s Hotel.
02:33 Some people went to University House. It was for all staff but you had to be a member.
03:14 There were not many social activities. Harvey’s work colleagues organised their own. Once a fortnight about a dozen of them went to Friday lunch at the Witches Cauldron in Subiaco and take the afternoon off. They made this up but going into work early on Monday.
04:14 On Fridays they used to go to Minsky’s Bar & Grill in Hampden Road or to the Broadway Tavern. The University Club was not a Friday night spot but because it was used more by the academics. Harvey’s group wanted to get off the campus once the working week was over.
05:39 There were no organised social or sporting activities. Harvey did not take part in sport apart from running.
06:17 Harvey got married to his wife, Bev, in the Sunken Garden on 29 December 1978. It was 42 degrees C.
07:40 Marriage on the university grounds has been going on for a while. People are now using the Tropical Grove. This was not as pretty and not as popular in the 70s.
08:43 There are also memorial services held there. Rhonda Haskell had a memorial service there recently. Harvey is not sure whether funeral/memorial services were held on campus in the 70s but weddings were very popular. Lots of students and ex-students get married on campus but services are not permitted during the examination period.
10:09 Harvey’s wife continued working until the birth of their first child in February 1984 when she resigned. Female staff either took maternity leave or resigned but she wanted to be a full-time mum.
12:34 Marriage did not change much for Harvey as he already knew people and his wife worked at UWA.
13:12 In March 1980 Harvey needed a challenge and moved to take a job as Media Control Clerk at the Tertiary Institution Service (TISC) on Stirling Highway (near the garage). This job was in the computing area and entailed processing enrolments for high school students working with the Secondary Education Authority.
14:48 His immediate boss was John Murray. Murray returned to UWA in about 2003 or 4 to head up the new Student Information Systems (SIMS). Mary Carroll was another colleague. She took over from John when he retired and is now Associate Director of SIMS.
15:51 TISC dealt with the results for high school students and wanted to apply to go to university.
16:58 Computers were gaining in popularity. The computer was housed in a special cool room. About 8 or 10 people worked outside the room. There was a computer on the table but it was very large and cumbersome compared to the ones today.
18:23 Harvey is not sure whether the filing system was also on computer.
18:50 In 1983 Harvey returned to UWA to work as Assistant Examination’s Office. The person in charge was Fred Pike. He later became Assistant Registrar at UWA. Harvey thinks that by this stage they had decided to merge Enrolments and Examinations into the one area but he is not completely certain. Harvey’s predecessor, Gary Habbishow had gone on secondment. He was originally from Human Resources. The job was advertised internally.
20:46 Harvey was interviewed by the then Registrar Malcolm Orr, Fred Pike, the Examinations Officer and Ian Peck the Admissions Officer. Harvey thinks he was successful because he knew how the enrolments side of things worked.
21:57 Harvey did his first examination timetable in April 1983. He had to draw up the examination timetable for the whole university which was approx. 7,500 students. Up until about 1989, UWA worked on 3 terms a year and the exams were held in April, August and November. The exams went for 1 week in April and August and for 2 weeks in November.
23:05 Exams started at 9am and 2pm. There was also an examination at 7pm. This exam was held in the Undercroft for security reasons.
23:51 When UWA moved to semesters the night exam was dropped. The Guild were consulted and it was agreed that this was would be replaced by an exam on Saturday morning. The Guild was very, very strong at this time.
24:39 Harvey presumes that the evening examination was due to a lack of venues. It was already happening when he arrived. For this reason Harvey was pushing for exams to be a maximum of 2 hours. It is not idea to put students who are doing a 2 hour exam in the same venue as those doing a 3 hours exam.
25:33 The shorter exam of 1 to 1.5 hours was done at night. The 2 and 3 hour exams were timetabled for during the day. There are more venues today.
25:56 Up to 2,700 students can be undergoing an examination in one session at 9am and 2pm. The examinations run for 13 days. There are 55,000 sittings but only 2,700 venues.
27:15 The supervisors often spent the whole day at the university if they had to supervise morning and afternoon exams. The supervisors are from outside the university.
27:49 When Harvey did his first timetable he had to do it manually with the assistance of a computer report that listed the exams that each faculty needed to run. This information was handwritten onto index cards with particular reference to the “Clash List”. The days would be set up and card by card the exams would be slotted in. In those days there were 4 law exams. These would be spread out during the week to be on a Monday and a Thursday for example. Medicine was also quite straightforward. Arts and Science exams are trickier to organise as they did so many different units.
Track 3
00:00 Occasion when there was a clash and Harvey and Fred Pike met with Dr Cyril Edwards from the Physics Department to explain the situation. Emphasises the benefits of face to face contact with people.
02:55 Stickler for the rules. Explains the rationale behind getting the exam papers delivered in plenty of time. The supervisor collects the paper from the appropriate pigeon hole on the day of the exam.
03:45 Complaint made to the Senate about the lateness of the medicine exam papers which were not delivered until the day before.
05:14 Ideally examination papers should be delivered to the Examinations Office 5 weeks before the exam.
05:37 The exam papers should be checked before they leave the faculty. The exam papers have a cover sheet and this is supposed to be check by the person who sets the exam. University policy is that the examiner needs to be present at the exam for the 10 minute reading time and then available in your office to deal with any queries or problems that may arise. This is easier now with mobile phones.
07:18 The policy of academics having to attend examinations goes back to the early 1990s when there was a problem with an examination and the examiner refused to acknowledge the error on the paper. This was then brought up at the Senate and a policy was then put in place almost immediately. Robert Smith was the University Vice Chancellor at the time. The office was assisted by the fact that the supervisor involved was Dorothy Ransom who was also a member of the Senate.
09:56 Harvey would also have to be on campus during the examination period including on Saturday if exams were scheduled. It was decided that exams should also be scheduled for Saturday afternoon once the evening exams were not running. This was taken up with the Guild. The rationale behind it was that by having exams on a Saturday you could schedule another exam on the Monday.
11:30 Harvey thinks that 3 hour examinations are a waste of time as the students lose focus after 1.5 hours. He would prefer to see 2 x 2 hour exams rather than 1 x 3 hour exam.
12:36 Academics have said that the exam paper could be drafted when the unit outline is put together at the start of the term.
13:27 There was nearly a disaster when one of the exam papers had the answers in hidden text on the cover page. The exam was taking place in the Undercroft but there were also some students taken the exam in the recreation centre. The exam papers had to be retrieved and reprinted. Harvey flew around the campus on his bicycle. The incident was reported in “Inside Cover” in the West Australian. It was a “one-off”.
16:19 Harvey’s attitude is that it has happened, let’s fix it. If nobody has been killed or injured then it isn’t the end of the world!
17:54 Cheating does take place in exams. Plagiarism certainly happens in assignments. How can you prove an assignment is all somebody’s own work?
19:12 Cheating does happen especially when students go out to the toilet. There was an incident in June this year when it was thought that students were visiting the toilet during an engineering exam to consult notes.
20:00 Most of the exam supervisors are females and they obviously cannot go into the male toilets. One young man was taking so long in the toilet that a male supervisor from another venue was asked to check out what was going on and sprung the student studying notes! The policy is that the notes are confiscated and the student is allowed to continue the exam but a report is put in by the examination supervisor. The report is given to the Examination Office and then forwarded to the Associate Dean in the relevant Faculty.
22:01 There is probably a case now that 3 supervisors are needed for every exam. People can then be walking the floor and one person can be escorted to the toilet. At present 60 invigilators are employed to supervise examinations. If this number is increased by 20, it will cost the university more money. Should fewer students be allocated per venue? Students can be moved to another seat if the supervisor thinks they are cheating by looking at their neighbour’s work.
Track 4
00:00 Often students are split into different venues upstairs and downstairs by alphabetical order. The can be thrown out completely if friends or boyfriends and girlfriends ignore this so that they can sit together.
00:54 There was a situation in the 1990s when an overseas male student sat an exam for a female student.
01:03 When the students come into the exam they fill out an information slip. They present their ID on the table. When the information slips are collected, these are checked off against the student ID card. The slips are sorted into alphabetical order. The slips are compared to the computer printout of the names of the students taking the exam. There is a Green form for absent students compared to the computer print-out. There is a Blue form for people not on the list.
02:32 In this case, the student left early and they could not be found on the list. The person who was supposed to be sitting the exam did not attend. The male sat the exam but a female was missing.
03:08 The girl who didn’t do this exam had 3 more exams but did not turn up. The guy who did the exam had 2 more exams but also did not turn up.
03:36 Harvey was unable to contact the girl or the guy at their registered place of residence.
03:54 A report was written so that the university was aware of what had happened. The International Student Centre was also informed. The Registrar was told and a comment was put on their academic records to the effect that they were not permitted to re-enrol at UWA until they met with the Registrar.
04:31 Staff told to take note if the academic records were requested. The academic record was sent out. The male student deleted the comment and photocopied the academic record so that the comment was not there and submitted it to the Australian High Commission in Singapore. When queried by the Australian High Commission, UWA sent the academic records for both students with the original comments to Singapore.
Interview 3
Track 1
00:00 Introduction by Julia Wallis
Track 2
00:00 Exam timetables were initially published on notice boards in the Reid Library, the Arts Building and one outside the Student Administration Office.
00:33 Exam results were published in the Undercroft on plastic white boards. The results were only for units that had been passed.
01:10 The results were published under student number and not under student name.
01:56 Sometimes a page or two might be stuck together and so a page of results might not be displayed! It was quite pain staking work putting up the results page by page.
02:39 In or around the late 1980s, the Guild asked them to stop publishing the results like this as hard copies of the results were mailed to the students.
04:15 In the late 1990s or early 2000 all timetables and results were placed online. There was a system where a student could type in their student number with a password and access their information.
05:40 Now Student Connect is very sophisticated and even informs the students as to which exam venue it is, where the venue is located and what time the exam is taking place.
06:12 There is a new system being developed to be even more informative for students regarding their undergraduate lectures and timetables.
06:59 The current system Australian universities use is called Callista. Nine Universities in Australia use it. If UWA wanted to change their system the cost factor would mean that they would need to get the other universities to use this new system as well.
07:30 Before they used Callista they had SRS that was developed within UWA with face to face meetings with the computer programmer Richard Styes.
08:35 The faculties and the academics also can access student information. Staff must to sign confidentiality agreements. There are various levels of access. There are also comments but derogatory comments cannot be placed on the student record due to issues with FOI. Managers can see more information.
11:19 Academics and administrators are encouraged to use Staff Connect.
11:52 TRIM is used by Central Records. There are no hard copy student files any more. Emails and other information can all be placed on this file. It is all by digital records.
13:21 There was a case where an ex student has attempted to get some records taken off his file or changed. As this is a contentious file it won’t be destroyed and is placed in the university archives.
14:51 The student can appeal to the Visitor – this is the top person in the university.
Track 3
00:00 1983 was when Harvey became involved in graduation on his return as assistant examinations officer. In April 2013 Vicki Pratt has assembled figures of how many graduations Harvey had seen.
01:19 All graduation ceremonies are held in the evening. In 2013 there were 11 or 12 graduation ceremonies in March and April and 5 in September.
01:46 In 1983, there were about 4 ceremonies in March/April but nothing in September. There was more demand for ceremonies in September. This also catered for the Doctor of Philosophy students who if they finished their degree in April had to wait until April the following year for their degree.
02:52 In the late 1990s they began accepting student enrolments in the middle of the year.
03:35 Other than graduating at ceremonies where the degree is conferred on the night. Curtin confers their degrees earlier and has the ceremony later. UWA degrees can be conferred in absentia at the monthly Senate meetings.
05:39 There is a story in the late 70s that there was a graduation during PROSH and there was some high jinx when they switched on the speakers. Harvey did not experience this so it is just hearsay.
06:25 The storm hit UWA at about 3pm on Monday 22 March 2010. . It caused a great deal of damage to the student admin building, to trees on campus, motor vehicles and to windows in Winthrop Hall and other buildings.
09:41 An emergency meeting was held at 5pm and it was agreed that the ceremony could not go ahead in Winthrop Hall. The plan was to split the ceremonies and have half in the Octagon Theatre and half in the University Club.
11:17 All the staff cars apart from Harvey’s had storm damage as he had parked under cover.
12:01 Harvey got to work at 6am the next day and received a call Robyn Wilson who suggested the Recreation Centre. The Rec Centre was going to hold the Australian Judo Championships but Rick Wolters who was the Deputy Director agreed to move the event to Challenge Stadium. He also organised to put down carpet squares to stop the floors from getting marked. John Stubbs met with the Registrar and the change of venue was agreed.
15:36 Mike Fish from Perth Party Hire agreed to supply 1300 chairs at short notice. Simon Chapman from the workshops also supplied 1300 chairs. They had to replicate Winthrop Hall and mark all the seats in theatre style with the relevant ticket numbers. All the other academics apart from the VIPs had to sit upstairs.
18:06 Staff had to prepare labels for the chairs and inform people ringing up about the change of venue. They put out a press release that was picked up by a radio station to inform people the ceremony was still on but with a change of venue. It was impossible to cancel the event.
19:08 There was lots of hard work and last minute work. The area outside the recreation centre and the Octagon was tidied up from the storm damage for the after ceremony party. Luckily the Undercroft was not damaged so people could still go there and get photos taken. Hackett Hall was cleared of people to get everything cleared up and cleaned up. Preparation were finalised by 6.15pm and the ceremony took place at 7.45pm which was only 15 minutes late.
Track 4
00:00 Because the graduation is so well planned and structured, it can be moved to another venue. Ditto for the examinations.
02:36 At the beginning of October applications for degree are sent to the student. Every year students have to re-enrol and state when they anticipate completing their degree.
04:01 Posters are put up indicating when applications for graduation are closing alerting students to go to Student Administration if they have not received this form.
04:30 Academic records are sent to the Faculty’s and they indicate whether the student will complete or not.
05:16 At the end of the year once the results are uploaded on or about the first week in December, an expected completed register is compiled. This goes to the Faculty and then comes back when it has been approved for processing.
05:48 Some people will have failed one or two units but have also have been expected to complete. Results are out by about 3 December and released to the students on 16 December. They view their results on Student Connect.
06:46 There are also late applications (these are charged a fee). There is a cut-off date in January the next year. From there the Graduation Officer has to configure the ceremonies. There are also PhD students to consider. There may be 3,500 students to process and they work out how many from Arts, Science, Medicine, Law etc. They sort them into groups and set the date.
08:30 Winthrop Hall can hold about 890 on the bottom floor. Each graduate gets two tickets. This is signed off by John Stubbs and Peter Curtis who decide how many ceremonies take place.
09:44 These dates have already been set. There are set 3 years in advance. The academic year is also set 3 years in advance. The students are then aware of the rough date for graduation i.e. between 15 March and 12 April.
11:45 Arts sometimes had to be held over two nights as there are so many graduates.
12:14 In the early 90s, then Chancellor Fay Gale attended an ECU graduation ceremony at the Perth Concert Hall and was convinced of the superiority of holding UWA graduation ceremonies at Winthrop.
12:47 There was an idea once (late 80s) to follow the American idea of holding all the graduations together in the one ceremony. They went through the logistics of this and it was realised that it is not possible to hold a graduation ceremony for 1500 at UWA.
14:10 Overseas students particularly enjoy bringing their families to Winthrop Hall. UWA have an official photographer at the Undercroft and people can also take their own photos.
15:00 PhD students are given priority for extra tickets if they are available.
15:47 The graduates are given information on appropriate dress code.
Track 5
00:00 One of the academics objected to one of the graduates having her midriff showing. People have to use their own common sense.
00:43 The ceremony starts at .30pm Students have to attend from 6.15pm to check in and have a demonstration by the Graduation Officer of what they are required to do. The guests come in at 6.30pm. The graduation starts at 7.30pm with a procession coming in with the organ playing. The National Anthem is played and there are speeches. The degrees are conferred.
01:46 The ceremony finishes about 9pm. Eats and drinks are supplied on Whitfield Court. The area is now roped off and there is security as there used to be gate crashers
Audio Files
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 1
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 2
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 3
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 4
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 5
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 1
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 2
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 3
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 4
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 1
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 2
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 3
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 4
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 5
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 2
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 3
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 4
Von_Bergheim, Interview 1, Track 5
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 1
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 2
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 3
Von_Bergheim, Interview 2, Track 4
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 1
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 2
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 3
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 4
Von_Bergheim, Interview 3, Track 5
von Bergheim, Harvey, “Harvey von Bergheim interview, 17 October 2013, 24 October 2013 and 31 October 2013,” UWA Historical Society: UWA Histories, accessed March 31, 2025, https://oralhistories.arts.uwa.edu.au/items/show/54.