Browse Items (85 total)

Fifty years ago, the UWA engineering degree was a five-year programme. It included the equivalent of a full year of practical experience in industry, which enabled John to gain valuable experience in aircraft engine assembly with the Commonwealth…

Architect John White was born in Wickepin in Western Australia. He talks of his path to becoming an architect and how he studied the subject at Perth Technical College post war before starting his own business in Fremantle. He would become a teacher…

This is an interview with Joyce Billings. She was born in 1928 at Romford, Essex, and attended Royal Holloway College, University of London, Egham Hill, Surrey (1945-1949). She met Alan Billings in London. Alan (born 1925) lived in Woolwich, London…

This is an interview with Professor Keith Punch, who was a student at the university from 1957 to 1963 and returned to the staff of the Faculty of Education in 1970. He looks at the great sense of community that he experienced firstly as student and…

Dr Ken Michael AC was installed as the thirtieth Governor of Western Australia on 18 January 2006, retiring from this position in May 2011.

He was educated at Highgate Primary School, Perth Boys’ School and Perth Modern School. He graduated in…

This is an interview with Kerry Hill, who studied architecture at Perth Technical College before transferring to the University of WA as one of the first intact of architectural students in 1966. He graduating from UWA in 1968. He worked for Howlett…

Lance Maschmedt has worked as a Technician in the School of Physics at the University of Western Australia since 1965. He talks of his enthusiasm and keenness to work at the university following his schooling and of his feelings on coming to work at…

Emeritus Professor of the University of Western Australia and Emeritus Physician at Royal Perth Hospital, Lawrie Beilin was born in London in 1936. He came to Australia from Oxford with experience in Los Angeles. During the interview he talks of…

Leonard Burrows joined the UWA English Department in 1949 (from the UK) and stayed until his retirement in 1986. He taught the introductory poetry and fiction course for much of that time. His main area of expertise is 19th century literature, and he…

This is an interview with Professor Leonard Freedman former head of Human Biology 1975-80. Professor Leonard Freedman was born in Cape Town South Africa and developed an interest in Zoology as a child. At University Freedman majored in Zoology and…
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